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Fields and methods of the jala.db package.
jala db.Server(baseDir, port, createOnDemand, makePublic, useSsl)
Returns a new Server instance.
helma.File baseDir The directory where the database files are located or should be stored
Number port The port to listen on (defaults to 9001)
Boolean createOnDemand If true this server will create non-existing databases on-the-fly, if false it only accepts connections to already existing databases in the given base directory
Boolean makePublic If true this database is reachable from outside, if false it's only reachable from localhost
Boolean useSsl If true SSL will be used to encrypt the connection
jala db.RamDatabase(name, username, password)
Returns a newly created RamDatabase instance.
String name The name of the database. If not given a private un-named database is created, that can only be accessed through this instance of jala.db.RamDatabase
String username Optional username (defaults to "sa"). This username is used when creating the database, so the same should be used when creating subsequent instances of jala.db.RamDatabase pointing to a named database.
String password Optional password (defaults to "").
  • runScript(file, props, charset, continueOnError)
jala db.FileDatabase(name, directory, username, password)
Returns a newly created instance of FileDatabase.
String name The name of the database. This name is used as prefix for all database files
helma.File directory The directory where the database files should be stored in.
String username Optional username (defaults to "sa"). This username is used when creating the database, so the same should be used when creating subsequent instances of jala.db.FileDatabase pointing to the same database
String password Optional password (defaults to "").
jala. db
Namespace declaration
jala.db.Server. getDirectory()
Returns the directory used by this server instance
The directory where the databases used by this server are located in
jala.db.Server. getPort()
Returns the port this server listens on
The port this server listens on
jala.db.Server. start()
Starts the database server.
True in case the server started successfully, false otherwise
jala.db.Server. stop()
Stops the database server.
True if stopping the server was successful, false otherwise
jala.db.Server. isRunning()
Returns true if the database server is running.
True if the database server is running
jala.db.Server. useSsl(bool)
Toggles the use of Ssl encryption within this server. This should be set before starting the server.
Boolean bool If true SSL encryption will be used, false otherwise. If no argument is given, this method returns the current setting.
The current setting if no argument is given, or void
jala.db.Server. createOnDemand(bool)
If called with boolean true as argument, this server creates databases on-the-fly, otherwise it only accepts connections to already existing databases. This should be set before starting the server.
Boolean bool If true this server creates non-existing databases on demand, if false it only allows connections to existing databases. If no argument is given, this method returns the current setting.
The current setting if no argument is given, or void
jala.db.Server. isPublic(bool)
If called with boolean true as argument, this server accepts connections from outside localhost. This should be set before starting the server.
Boolean bool If true this server accepts connections from outside localhost. If no argument is given, this method returns the current setting.
The current setting if no argument is given, or void
jala.db.Server. getUrl(name, props)
Returns the JDBC Url to use for connections to a given database.
String name An optional name of a database running
Object props Optional connection properties to add
The JDBC Url to use for connecting to a database within this sever
jala.db.Server. getProperties(name, username, password, props)
Returns a properties object containing the connection properties of the database with the given name.
String name The name of the database
String username Optional username to use for this connection
String password Optional password to use for this connection
Object props An optional parameter object containing connection properties to add to the connection Url.
A properties object containing the connection properties
jala.db.Server. getConnection(name, username, password, props)
Returns a connection to a database within this server.
String name The name of the database running within this server
String username Optional username to use for this connection
String password Optional password to use for this connection
Object props An optional parameter object containing connection properties to add to the connection Url.
A connection to the specified database
jala.db.DataType. getType()
Returns the sql type code number as defined in java.sql.Types
The sql type code number of this data type
jala.db.DataType. getTypeName()
Returns the type name of this data type, which can be used in sql queries.
The type name of this data type
jala.db.DataType. getParams()
Returns the creation parameter string of this data type
The creation parameter string of this data type
jala.db.DataType. needsQuotes()
Returns true if values for this data type should be surrounded by (single) quotes.
True if values for this data type should be surrounded by quotes, false if not
jala.db.RamDatabase. getName()
Returns the name of the database
The name of the database
jala.db.RamDatabase. getUsername()
Returns the username of this database
The username of this database
jala.db.RamDatabase. getPassword()
Returns the password of this database
The password of this database
jala.db.RamDatabase. getUrl(props)
Returns the JDBC Url to connect to this database
Object props Optional connection properties to add
The JDBC url to use for connecting to this database
jala.db.RamDatabase. getProperties(props)
Returns a properties object containing the connection properties for this database.
Object props An optional parameter object containing connection properties to add to the connection Url.
A properties object containing the connection properties
jala.db.RamDatabase. getConnection(An)
Returns a connection to this database
Object An optional parameter object containing connection properties to add to the connection Url.
A connection to this database
jala.db.RamDatabase. shutdown()
Stops this in-process database by issueing a "SHUTDOWN" sql command.
jala.db.RamDatabase. dropTable(tableName)
Drops the table with the given name
String tableName The name of the table
True if the table was successfully dropped, false otherwise
jala.db.RamDatabase. tableExists(name)
Returns true if the table exists already in the database
String name The name of the table
True if the table exists, false otherwise
jala.db.RamDatabase. copyTables(database, tables)
Copies all tables in the database passed as argument into this embedded database. If any of the tables already exists in this database, they will be removed before re-created. Please mind that this method ignores any indexes in the source database, but respects the primary key settings.
helma.Database database The database to copy the tables from
Array tables An optional array containing the names of the tables to copy. If not given all tables are copied
jala.db.RamDatabase. runScript(file, props, charset, continueOnError)
Runs the script file passed as argument in the context of this database. Use this method to eg. create and/or populate a database.
helma.File file The script file to run
Object props Optional object containing connection properties
String charset Optional character set to use (defaults to "UTF-8")
Boolean continueOnError Optional flag indicating whether to continue on error or not (defaults to false)
True in case the script was executed successfully, false otherwise
jala.db.RamDatabase. dump(file, props)
Dumps the database schema and data into a file
helma.File file The file where the database dump will be
Object props Optional object containing connection properties
True in case the database was successfully dumped, false otherwise
Returns the name of the database. This name is used as prefix for all files of this database in the specified directory
The name of the database
jala.db.FileDatabase. getDirectory()
Returns the directory where the database files are stored.
The directory where this database is stored.
jala.db.FileDatabase. getUsername()
Returns the username of this database
The username of this database
jala.db.FileDatabase. getPassword()
Returns the password of this database
The password of this database
Deletes all files of this database on disk. Note that this also closes the database before removing it.
True in case the database was removed successfully, false otherwise
jala.db.FileDatabase. backup(file)
Creates a backup of this database, using the file passed as argument. The result will be a zipped file containing the database files
helma.File file The file to write the backup to
True if the database backup was created successfully, false otherwise
jala.db.FileDatabase. restore(backupFile)
Restores this database using a backup on disk.
helma.File backupFile The backup file to use for restore
True if the database was successfully restored, false otherwise
Fri, 05 Feb 2010 17:40:06 GMT.

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optional modules

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