Detailed reference of prototypes, properties and methods available in the
Javascript environment of your Helma web applications.

Additional fields and methods of the HopObject class.
HopObject. getAccessName(obj, maxLength)
Constructs a name from an object which is unique in the underlying HopObject collection.
Object obj The object representing or containing the alias name. Possible object types include:
  • File
  • helma.File
  • String
  • java.lang.String
  • Packages.helma.util.MimePart
Number maxLength The maximum length of the alias
The resulting alias
HopObject. isTransient()
Returns true if the internal state of this HopObject is TRANSIENT.
True if this HopObject is marked as transient, false otherwise.
HopObject. isVirtual()
Returns true if the internal state of this HopObject is VIRTUAL.
True if this HopObject is marked as virtual, false otherwise.
HopObject. isInvalid()
Returns true if the internal state of this HopObject is INVALID.
True if this HopObject is marked as invalid, false otherwise.
HopObject. isClean()
Returns true if the internal state of this HopObject is CLEAN.
True if this HopObject is marked as clean, false otherwise.
HopObject. isNew()
Returns true if the internal state of this HopObject is NEW.
True if this HopObject is marked as new, false otherwise.
HopObject. isModified()
Returns true if the internal state of this HopObject is MODIFIED.
True if this HopObject is marked as modified, false otherwise.
HopObject. isDeleted()
Returns true if the internal state of this HopObject is DELETED.
True if this HopObject is marked as deleted, false otherwise.
Fri, 05 Feb 2010 17:40:07 GMT.

core framework

optional modules

java libraries

properties files