Fields and methods of the jala.Utilities class.
Construct a utility object.
- toString()
- createPassword(len, level)
- diffObjects(obj1, obj2)
- patchObject(obj, diff)
Default utility class instance.
Static field indicating a removed object property.
Static field indicating ad added object property.
Static field indicating a modified object property.
Return a string representation of the utitility object.
[jala.Utilities Object] |
Creates a random password with different levels of security.
Number | len | The length of the password (default: 8) |
Number | level |
The security level
The resulting password |
Returns an array containing the properties that are
added, removed or modified in one object compared to another.
Object | obj1 | The first of two objects which should be compared |
Object | obj2 | The second of two objects which should be compared |
An Object containing all properties that are added, removed or modified in the second object compared to the first. Each property contains a status field with an integer value which can be checked against the static jala.Utility fields VALUE_ADDED, VALUE_MODIFIED and VALUE_REMOVED. |
Patches an object with a "diff" object created by the
{@link #diffObjects} method.
Please mind that this method is recursive, it descends
along the "diff" object structure.
Object | obj | The Object the diff should be applied to |
Object | diff | A "diff" object created by the {@link #diffObjects} method |
The patched Object with all differences applied |