Detailed reference of prototypes, properties and methods available in the
Javascript environment of your Helma web applications.

Fields and methods of the jala.RemoteContent class.
jala RemoteContent(url, method, storage)
Construct a new remote content handler.
String url The URL string of the remote site.
Integer method The method to retrieve the remote content.
File storage The cache directory.
setProxy(proxyString) from helma.Http
getProxy() from helma.Http
setCredentials(username, password) from helma.Http
setContent(stringOrObject) from helma.Http
setMethod(m) from helma.Http
getMethod() from helma.Http
setHeader(name, value) from helma.Http
getHeader(name) from helma.Http
setCookie(name, value) from helma.Http
getCookie(name) from helma.Http
setCookies(cookies) from helma.Http
getCookies() from helma.Http
setTimeout(timeout) from helma.Http
setReadTimeout(timeout) from helma.Http
getTimeout() from helma.Http
getReadTimeout() from helma.Http
setFollowRedirects(value) from helma.Http
getFollowRedirects() from helma.Http
setUserAgent(agent) from helma.Http
getUserAgent() from helma.Http
setBinaryMode(mode) from helma.Http
getBinaryMode() from helma.Http
setMaxResponseSize(Size) from helma.Http
getMaxResponseSize() from helma.Http
setResponseHandler(Response) from helma.Http
getResponseHandler() from helma.Http
getUrl(url, opt) from helma.Http
int jala. RemoteContent.HTTP
A constant representing the HTTP retrieval method.
int jala. RemoteContent.XMLRPC
A constant representing the XML-RPC retrieval method.
String jala. RemoteContent.SUFFIX
The default name of the cache directory.
File jala. RemoteContent.CACHEDIR
The default cache directory.
jala.RemoteContent. setInterval(interval)
Set the interval the remote content's cache is bound to be updated.
Number interval The interval value in milliseconds.
jala.RemoteContent. get(key)
Get an arbitrary property of the remote content.
String key The name of the property.
The value of the property.
jala.RemoteContent. getKeys()
Get all available property names.
The list of property names.
jala.RemoteContent. needsUpdate()
Tests whether the remote content needs to be updated.
True if the remote content needs to be updated.
jala.RemoteContent. update()
Get the updated and cached remote content.
The content as retrieved from the remote site.
Flushes (empties) the cached remote content.
jala.RemoteContent. toString()
Get a string representation of the remote content.
The remote content as string.
jala.RemoteContent. valueOf()
Get the value of the remote content.
The remote content including response header data.
jala. RemoteContent.flush(cache)
Remove all remote content from a file-based cache.
File cache An optional target directory.
jala. RemoteContent.forEach(callback, cache)
Apply a custom method on all remote content in a file-based cache.
Function callback The callback method to be executed for each remote content file.
File cache An optional target directory.
jala. RemoteContent.exec(callback, cache)   deprecated Use {@link #forEach} instead.
Apply a custom method on all remote content in a file-based cache.
Function callback The callback method to be executed for each remote content file.
File cache An optional target directory.
Fri, 05 Feb 2010 17:40:07 GMT.

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optional modules

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properties files