Fields and methods of the jala.History class.
Constructs a new History object.
- add()
- remove()
- push()
- clear()
- redirect(offset)
- pop(offset)
- peek(offset)
- dump()
Initializes a new history stack, adds
it to the array of stacks (which makes it
the default one to use for further requests)
and records the current request Url.
Removes the current history stack
Records a request Url in the currently active
history stack.
Clears the currently active history stack
Redirects the client back to the first valid
request in history. Please mind that searching for
a valid Url starts at history.length - 2.
Number | offset | The index position in the stack to start searching at |
Retrieves the first valid request Url in history
stack starting with a given offset. The default offset is 1.
Any valid Url found is removed from the stack, therefor
this method alters the contents of the history stack.
Number | offset | The index position in history stack to start searching at |
The Url of the request |
Retrieves the request Url at the given position
in the current history stack. If no offset is given
the last Url in the stack is returned. This method
does not alter the stack contents!
Number | offset | The index position in history stack to start searching at |
The Url of the request |
Returns the contents of all history stacks
as string
The history stacks as string |